That each day I may walk unceasingly on the banks of my water, that my soul may repose on the branches of the trees which I planted, that I may refresh myself under the shadow of my sycamore. —Egyptian tomb inscription, circa 1400 BCGhosts, haints, haunts. Shimmer me timbers in this ghastly dance. Sun slices trees and stones. Leaves and bones. Ghosts, haints, haunts. Cloaked in fog and surrounded by a sea of yellow foot soldiers, the hollow tree makes its last stand. All is quiet on the wester


Edward Lear’s sketches for his own, “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat”.The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to seaIn a beautiful pea-green boat:They took some honey, and plenty of money,   Wrapped up in a five-pound note.The Owl looked up to the stars above,   And sang to a small guitar,“O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,    What a beautiful Pussy you are,         You are,         You are!What a beautiful Pussy you are!”Pussy said to the Owl, “You elegant fowl!   How charmingly sweet you sing!O! let us be mar

Don’t Look! No, Wait! Look!

The “eyes” have it in these great Photography World images! Photographing animals looking at us—don’t give up too soon. Because at any moment, before you know it, that animal turns and looks at you… There’s a lot to be said about being up close and personal with wildlife. It turns the meh picture of animals standing around, to an interpersonal experience for photographer and audience.Wild bison-hazing at Undine Falls in Yellowstone National Park. What is bison-hazing exactly? It’s the herding o

COVID-19: Dear Photographers

By Mina Thevenin, LCSW These are most trying times. As a society of international photographers we have not been witness to, nor experienced, such a global germ pandemic as that which we suffer now: coronavirus. In the coming weeks and months we must anticipate and prepare that each of us will be personally touched by this virus in some capacity. Life as we have known, is forever changed.Now is the time to live a lifestyle of prevention, of health and wellness—in mind, body, and spirit.Photograp

Lines in Photography

What makes an image memorable? How does a photograph become an unforgettable experience for the eye, the mind, the heart?Decoding images, we find several unifying elements: light, substance, and lines. It is the latter on which I focus—LINES—lines, and more lines. “Leading lines” is a photographic technique in that the composition incorporates lines that lead the viewer’s eyes to the subject or heart of the photo. Leading lines use a combination of symmetry (repetition, mirrored images within th